Heavy melting steel

Is old steel delivered with dimensions of no more than 1.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 metres? Then this material is called HMS (Heavy Melting Steel)We distinguish between:

HMS I/II: melting steel that meets the description of scrap I/II (light iron).

HMS I: heavier melting steel (> 6 mm) that meets the description of scrap I.

  • Names: HMS I/II, HMS I
  • Thickness: > 6 mm (HMS I) and 3 – 6 mm (HMS I/II)
  • Galvanised parts: permitted
  • Mechanical parts: permitted 
  • Length: max. 1.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 metres

We also buy and supply scrap 3B steel in short form. The common name for this is 3B or E3.